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grinding [2020/03/01 20:44]
grinding [2020/03/02 20:03] (current)
kompootor [Gil grind]
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 ===== Gil grind ===== ===== Gil grind =====
-Jachol cave (Gil cave) can be used to grind for cash. Save outside the East entrance of the cave and walk South under the ceiling, following the path that loops East until you start stepping on gil that doubles with each step. Commit yourself to taking 10 steps only for nearly 10k gil. If you do so without incident, cast Exit/​Teleport or walk out, then //save//, //reset//, and repeat the process. If you encounter the Gil Turtle, reset and try again. Only a soft or hard reset will refresh the RNG. Repeat until you have enough gil to for your goal.((It is this editor'​s opinion that the only thing worth grinding gil for is to buy Running Shoes (Hermes Sandals). For !Giltoss versus Exdeath, you will likely receive enough gil from chests in the Void.))+Jachol cave (Gil cave) can be used to grind for cash. Save outside the East entrance of the cave and walk South under the ceiling, following the path that loops East until you start stepping on gil that doubles with each step. Commit yourself to taking 10 steps only for nearly 10k gil. If you do so without incident, cast Exit/​Teleport or walk out, then //save//, and repeat the process. If you encounter the Gil Turtle, ​perform a soft or hard //reset// and try again. Only a soft or hard reset will refresh the RNG that determines where the Turtle appears. Repeat until you have enough gil to for your goal.((It is this editor'​s opinion that the only thing worth grinding gil for is to buy Running Shoes (Hermes Sandals). For !Giltoss versus Exdeath, you will likely receive enough gil from chests in the Void.))
 ====== See also ====== ====== See also ======
 [[https://​docs.google.com/​spreadsheets/​d/​10Jg3DoaUlDqN6btLHA1NdTpu9I3af5UEXhfa3M6Z2JI/​edit#​gid=1795308693|FF5 Enemy, Shop and Equip Lists]] (Primary source for this page; by multiple contributors;​ linked via [[https://​ff5.mega64.net/​|Final Fantasy V Resources]]). [[https://​docs.google.com/​spreadsheets/​d/​10Jg3DoaUlDqN6btLHA1NdTpu9I3af5UEXhfa3M6Z2JI/​edit#​gid=1795308693|FF5 Enemy, Shop and Equip Lists]] (Primary source for this page; by multiple contributors;​ linked via [[https://​ff5.mega64.net/​|Final Fantasy V Resources]]).
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