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key_items [2024/08/13 23:33]
dryzalizer [Key Items List]
key_items [2024/08/13 23:34] (current)
dryzalizer [Key Items List]
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   * **Sandworm Bait**: Allows you to fight a boss in the Desert of Shifting Sands in W1.   * **Sandworm Bait**: Allows you to fight a boss in the Desert of Shifting Sands in W1.
   * **Steamship Key**: Allows you to enter the Steamship, which is marked by a shrine outside Karnak. ​ This leads to a boss location, then immediately to the Karnak Escape sequence, for another boss location.   * **Steamship Key**: Allows you to enter the Steamship, which is marked by a shrine outside Karnak. ​ This leads to a boss location, then immediately to the Karnak Escape sequence, for another boss location.
-  * **Submarine Key**: Causes the Submarine to appear in W2on the coast next to Zeza's Fleet, and also allows the airship in W3 to submerge. ​ In W2, this allows you to enter the Barrier Tower for a boss fight. ​ In W3, this allows you to enter Sunken Walse Tower for a boss fight. ​ With the Falls or Trench pages, you can also access those locations for additional boss fights.+  * **Submarine Key**: Causes the Submarine to appear in W2 on the coast next to Zeza's Fleet, and also allows the airship in W3 to submerge. ​ In W2, this allows you to enter the Barrier Tower for a boss fight. ​ In W3, this allows you to enter Sunken Walse Tower for a boss fight. ​ With the Falls or Trench pages, you can also access those locations for additional boss fights.
   * **Walse Tower Key**: Allows you to enter Walse Tower in World 1 for a single boss fight.   * **Walse Tower Key**: Allows you to enter Walse Tower in World 1 for a single boss fight.
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