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weapon_randomization [2021/01/25 04:05]
weapon_randomization [2021/01/25 04:06] (current)
cleartonic [How it works]
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 As part of this randomization system, each weapon type was given qualities that differentiate it. More is explained in the below sections: As part of this randomization system, each weapon type was given qualities that differentiate it. More is explained in the below sections:
 ^Weapon Type^Modifications^ ^Weapon Type^Modifications^
-|Knife, Sword, Knightsword,​ Axe, Flail, Katana|Spell chance upon action/​attacking|+|Knife, Sword, Knightsword,​ Axe, Katana|Spell chance upon action/​attacking|
 |Harp|Spell instead of action/​attacking| |Harp|Spell instead of action/​attacking|
 +|Flail|Enemy skill chance upon action/​attacking|
 |Spear, Whip, Bow|Killer weapons| |Spear, Whip, Bow|Killer weapons|
 |Bell|Ability use upon action/​attacking| |Bell|Ability use upon action/​attacking|
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